Tuesday, July 31, 2012

10Things About My Bestfriend

ngeliatin TTWW di www.twitter.com tentang hastag  #15ThingsAboutMyBestfriend jadi kepengen ngebahas tentang semua yang ada di sahabat gue. Terutama AIUEO :P

YANG PERTAMA !!!! pastinya Always make me comfortable with them.

Kedua :)))  When i'm mad at her she still makes me laugh somehow. yaallah sumpah kalo yang ini bener banget :D ntah gimana mereka semua bikin gue ketawa lagi kalo mood ancur ancur ancuran.

Ketiga-nya she doesn't know everything about me yet, but she wants to (i think) and she hasn't left yet. Kalo yang ini gue ngambil kesimpulan kalo 'sahabat itu harus kepo sama sahabatnya yang lain' Serba mau tau perasaan kita, padahal sama sekali gak tau, dan lagi berusaha mau ngertiin kita :')

Empatshe's a vegetarian, and even though i'm not, i'm so proud of her<3. Kadang mereka makan sayuran gue cuma ngelongok liat mereka makan dengan lahap. Terus mereka bakal ngelirik gue dan ngemaksa gue makan itu yang warna nya ijo-ijo -_- yalloh paitttt!!!!

Lima... she is the strongest person I know. I look up to her like a little sister would to a big sister. aaaaaaa mereka emang kayak saudara gue, kuat, hebat, buat ngebela gue apapun masalah gue :"")

I can have more fun with her than anyone else I know. We have the best/craziest memories together. sayanggg  kaliannnnnnn!!!!!
TUJUH :)  she has always been there for me and gives the best advice. LOVE YOU SO DAMN!!!!!

DELAPAN, at first glance you wouldn't think she's anything like me.. But we actually have so much in common. YES, WE ARE TWINS!!!

SEMBILAN.................. he's amazing with beautifull. I always make her do mine before we go out anywhere. mereka memang cantik dan selalu tampil indah :D

SEPULUHH!H!>>>!!  We named with AIUEO SEMUED and I love her. I do not even gotta do all 15 Things. We knows❤


- A of AIUEO Semued -